A surplus Archive by a Surplus human called Maki?
Semâ Bekirovic
To what extent does an artwork create itself? And how much of the final product is a result of the artists’ guiding hand? I sometimes get the impression that most my works seem to make themselves. It’s as if they have all these opinions regarding what they want to be/look like/say, and I find my role in the process reduced to that of collaborator instead of creator. In my work I usually get my inspiration from biology, philosophy and science. I am interested in notions of emergence, the(non existent?) border between nature and culture,and in all imaginable kinds of natural phenomena and processes. I am especially interested in emergence or how human, animal, or other objects function as systems within a network. I think it is important, that we, human objects place ourselves in a more modest position in relation to other living and non living objects.

This work came up when speaking with Derk about my work and the questions dealing with relationships that often come up in both my practice and my research. We specifically spoke about the peace treaty I tried to write with the ants in my garden when Derk told me about this work. I am not sure yet how I relate to this work and the art practice that it came from, but figured I would include it so I can continue to think about it.