The things I've read that may or may not be relevant to anything I might be thinking about, but that do inform the way I think somehow, or so I'd like to think.
Het verborgen leven van bomen - Peter Wohlleben

De gouden draad - Kassia St. Clair

As in tas - Jelle Brandt Corstius

Braiding Sweetgrass - Robin Wall Kimmerer

Butcher's Crossing - John Williams

Metropolis M4 2020

Het Gewicht van de Woorden - Pascal Mercier

Weaving - Katie Treggiden

Not at a Distance - Erin Manning

Over het Hoofd gezien - Eric Hermans

A diverse Economy - J. K. Graham-Gibson

The Care Manifesto - The Care Collective

De Pest - Albert Camus

Feminist Killjoys (And Other Willful Subjects) - Sara Ahmed

The totalizing Quest of Meaning - Trinh T. Minh-ha

Memory and the Morphologies of Difference - John Ahomfrah

Keywords - Raymond Williams

De Meeste Mensen Deugen - Rutger Bregman

House Work and Art Work - Helen Molesworth

Metaphor, Morality, and Politics - George Lakoff

Wages Against Housework - Silvia Federici

Adorno: de belofte van het negatieve - Frank van der Veire

Maintenance Art Manifesto - Mierle Laderman Ukeles

Cultural Work as a Site of Struggle: Freelancers and Exploitation - Nicole S. Cohen

Nilling - Lisa Robertson

A surplus Archive by a Surplus human called Maki?